Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Sponsor for monks’ quality education

Karma Leksheyling School (KLLS) has initiated a sponsorship program for the education of young monks. This information will be used to help gain international attention and support in the form of funds, books, and other supplies, thereby forging a long-term relationship between children who are not able to go to school due to financial problems and people who are interested in making someone's future brighter by making small contributions.

KLLS has designed this program with the idea and hope that small contributions of money and supplies can benefit and even change the lives and concept of many young Buddhist monks.

Who will receive support in the monks’ sponsorship program?
Monks who are:

  1. Financially very poor
  2. Unable to pay school fees
  3. Orphans
Who will be in the selection committee?
Members of School Management Committee

Who is encouraged to get involved in this program?

  1. Local people
  2. Overseas individuals, organizations/donor agencies, and
  3. KLLS’s volunteers

When will the monks begin to receive support?
  1. School Management Committee will select young monks and send their photos along with detailed information who are in need of sponsorship.
  2. After receiving all the information the sponsor can choose and start sponsoring
How much money is needed to help?
Around (15€ or US$20) per month per student

What does the monk receive?

  1. Admission fees/ Examination fees/ Monthly Tuition Fees.
  2. Uniform
  3. Stationery and other school supplies.

Sponsorship program fund will go directly to educate young monks. We especially thankful to those individuals and benefactors who have been providing their generous and continuous funding support to educate our monks.

If any individuals or organizations are interested to support sponsoring monks of Karma Leksheyling School in Nepal please contact at: or you can also write emails to our contact persons below.

Contact person in Taiwan
Karma Leksheyling School representative, Ven Lama Kantsa
And Taiwanese citizen Ven Jigme la, (our Chinese teacher) helping to find sponsors and also collecting fund. Please email him for more information about sponsoring.
Jigme's email is:

Contact person in Germany
Karma Leksheyling School representative, Miss Anneke Bouwman the director of Karama Leksheyling Ling in Germany. She kindly helping us to find sponsors and also collecting fund. Please email her for more information about sponsoring

Bank Detail
Name: Karma Lekshey Ling School (Tashi Dhindu Gurung & Loden Ghale)
Account number: 000 211 0065855
Address: Nepal Bank LimitedDharmapath Kathmandu (Head Office)P.O.Box: 36, Kathmandu SWIFT Code: NEBLNPKA